Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Short Hello!

I am going to attempt to start a new blog! Yeah I know! We'll see how well that works out! A little about me, I am a freshman at the College of Eastern Utah. I am a theatre major and have been in 2 productions here, and I am currently in and assistant stage managing a 3rd one! The first show I was in was called "Room Service" I played a character by the Name of Leo Davis! :-) The first picture is of that play! It is when we are starving because we have gone 18 hours with out food! Also in the picture to the far right is Braden Nelsen playing Gordon Miller, Next is Michael Johnson playing Harry Binion! The next show I was in is called "Dead Mans Cell Phone" Okay so I just uploaded the Picture of Dead Mans and I realized it uploads backwards... So this is out of order but the first picture is Dead Mans That is Nora Wilmarth and I. I played Dwight and She played Jean, It was a great production! I guess that post was more about my shows then about me but that will do for tonight! Goodnight! That is some of my life! :-)