Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Way To Make Me Feel Good!

So, I decided to do something that I've wanted to do for a long time now. I finally made my first YouTube video! Of course it is nothing special, just a "What should I do" video. But I wanna to be a big "YouTuber" and inspire people do what they want to. Glowpinkstah and Shane Dawson were my "inspirations" for actually doing this. They are Awesome YouTubers! One day I hope to be like them. But for a long time I told Michael I really wanted to do this but didn't know how to start or what to talk about so I decided to just go for it! I made one short crazy video! To my surprise, It went viral! (okay, so not actually viral) It has been less than 24 hours since it has been up and I already have 237 views and still counting! Hopefully this isn't just a one time thing but it would be nice if people kept watching my videos! I'm just happy-go-lucky right now! :-) I hope you all watch it, comment on it and give it thumbs up. That helps me get YouTube to see it which can get more views! So thanks everyone in your support in whatever I do! :-) Loves To All!! :-)


Kelt said...

Hahaha. Tanner, I love your first video. ;) What is your youtube account?

Tanner Snow said...


Brandon and Alexa Leishman said...

I love it.. the best part............ you said my name!!! :) ha ha ha.. Just sayin'..

I can't wait to see the next one. will you keep putting them on here???

Brandon and Alexa Leishman said...

Sorry to post a second one... I've decided "loves to all" is YOUR trademark.. Every time I hear it I think of you! keep that on there for sure! ;)

Tanner Snow said...

Lexa You post as many as you would like! I love hearing from you! I want LOVES TO ALL to be my trademark then I can put a little (r) next to it! haha How Cool! :-)