Monday, May 17, 2010

Where is the World is Tanner Now?!

So whilst were were driving to New Orleans to day I decided I wanted to make a list of all the states that I have been to, so then I thought why don't I be a little more creative and make a cute little map.. so I did just that...
Ta Da! Isn't it Beautiful!? I felt like I had been to a million until I made this then I realized that really, I haven't been to too many. (Maybe I should have put Mississippi and Alabama in a different color because I haven't been to them yet, but Never fear I will be driving through there tomorrow.) I guess you could say I've been in more, because I have flown over some to go to New York and Florida but we wont count those. I want to keep an up dated version of this so then when I go to other states I'll know where I've been! Thanks for the 4 of you who follow my blog, you're amazing and Sorry I don't blog as often as I'd like but maybe one day It'll happen. Also I plan to do a BIG blog about Clark and My trip across the county as soon as it is complete... LOVES TO ALL!


Brandon and Alexa Leishman said...

Hey I've only been to Idaho and Wyoming! You've got me beat! ;)

I'm glad to hear your having fun! Love reading your blog! Keep it coming!! :)

Kelt said...

I think you should totally count the states you've flown ;)